AutoMarket API

The endpoint for the AutoMarket API is: /citydriving/market

API Index

We currently offer the following AutoMarket APIs:

Get Current Listings

The AutoMarket API returns all available cars on the CityDriving AutoMarket or all available cars of a certain type.

ENDPOINT: /citydriving/market/getlist

Mandatory Parameters

Calling this API with no optional parameters will return all available cars on the AutoMarket.

Optional Parameters

This API can optionally return listings of a certain type of car. To do so, add a type key with a three digit LFS car code (See the LFS Manual for abbreviations). You can also optionally view the array of upgrades.


REQUEST: ?key=YOUR_KEY&type=uf1&upgrades=1

This example request will return all available UF1s on the market. This example only returns one car for brevity.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "vin": "AAJCX",
    "type": "UF1",
    "dateBuilt": 1345988079,
    "datePurchase": 1345988079,
    "onMarketSince": 1542888779,
    "condition": 98.5628,
    "wear": 1.4372,
    "damage": 0,
    "daysOnMarket": 31,
    "pre_owner_nickname": "^4k3nny^13000",
    "upgrades": [
        "id": 113172,
        "type": "ramp",
        "condition": 0.9988,
        "value": 2497
        "id": 113171,
        "type": "winch",
        "condition": 0.999,
        "value": 4995
        "id": 113110,
        "type": "radar_warner",
        "condition": 1,
        "value": 2500

Last updated